Clergy Marriages
Marriage Coaching – for Clergy
Leading in a church puts unique strains on a marriage. The time and emotional strain of guiding a congregation to Jesus weighs heavy on those called to vocational ministry and their spouses. Whether you are clergy or a clergy spouse, the congregation looks to you to know how they should handle their marriages. They look to you both as a couple for an example of how to be a couple in Christ. Yet, it’s not always easy to live that example. We are all like Paul sometimes, “For I don’t understand what I am doing. For I do not do what I want – instead, I do what I hate”(Rom 7:15 NET). After twenty years in vocational ministry going through dating, engagement, getting married, and children, we understand where you are. We look forward to listening to hearing your story and helping you get back on track so you can lead the congregation with which God has entrusted you.
- 50 minute coaching
- 90 minute coaching
- Marriage Mediation